April 01, 2011

Herderp and Conventions

At least he's not facing to the left like everything else I draw, right?

His body, in every one of these drawings/doodles it at that damn 3/4 turn pose.

I'm going to start paying more attention to the pose I'm drawing, from now on I mean it!

On a happier note, I tested out a printing site. I only had something that was pretty old that fit the dimensions needed best, so I sent them that and ordered 25 4x6" postcards.
They came in after about 20 days from order placed, shipped through UPS; which had the tracking that I like. <3

When I got the small packet/package and opened it, the cards weren't like in a plastic bag or shrink wrapped or anything, they were just sitting in the packet. I was thinking they would at least send it in a bubble lined packet, but whattado- the cards were perfectly safe. What's really cool though, is that I ordered 25- but received 43!43

I wasn't charged extra for nearly double the amount I ordered either, which was pretty sweet.
Not that I wasn't going to before, but I'm going to need to order some clear bag/sleeve things to go over them, because the UV gloss coating attracts fingerprints. Overall, I think I know that I shall use them for printing the prints I plan to bring to Senshi-con this year.

Speaking of conventions, my sister and I are going to Fanime con in San Jose, CA in May! 8D We're going because we want to see Yuya Matsushita perform for his first time in America. ouo 
We might cosplay if we think of costumes we have to the motivation to make in just 2 months. I plan on taking some photos while we're there whether we cosplay or not though~


  1. Try posemaniacs.com! I started using it and my anatomy and poses are much better now! Try the 30 second drawing challenge as well .3.

    For posemaniacs, you click a pose you like, and then you can move your mouse to change the angle you see it in 8DDDD

  2. *0* This is so fun! Thank you!
    Bwah, and so useful too!
    I was just thinking that this summer I'd walk down to Starbucks just to do gesture drawings and junk, but this is much more helpful than doing that would be! More dynamic poses! 8D

    ;u; Thanks so much for recommending posemaniacs~! <333
