June 09, 2011


My kitty. I felt like drawing her a few days ago.
Sketch for something I hope to finish. Maybe. When I remember. D|
Doodle of Hony. A really crappy one. /hehassixfingerswat? /watisthat,japanese? 
Unicorn and what used to be his wife. D| I'm changing the story I had though out, it's now not only about Unicorn and his disease but also about him being infatuated with a young retainer of his. /Iseemtomakeeverythinggay

Finally, a drawing of Pega, a character that I'm sticking in everything it seems... He was originally part of Unicorn's story, but then I also stuck him in CheloBelo's story. Which he works better in that story, he's the one who split Siv into Chelo and Belo. In Unicorn I don't recall exactly what part he had when I conceived him. |DDD

Since I mention Unicorn and the currently unnamed story about Chelo and Belo quite frequently, I should post the outline for them. Lol, when I get around to it. xDDD

Thank you for looking~~~

May 15, 2011

Ball Jointed Doll MASAMUNE!

This is for a contest at Date Masamune FC on Deviant Art, the theme is "Au Masamune" and so I put Masamune in a universe where he is trapped inside a BJD. |DDD
I'm happy I finished this, I've been doing nothing but doodling forever. ;u; This is all compltet and stuff, makes me happy~~~
Though I did crap-out on the background like I always do. :<

[I discovered I like fleshy colored lips to draw. *3*]

April 29, 2011

Doodle dump! + a photo

Been a while since I've updated! *n*

Sketched this a long time ago, recently found the scan I had of it and finished it.  [lazily]

Happy late Easter! Here, have this albino bunny boy.
Lol, didn't actually doodle this for Easter, I doodled it yesterday and thought it must have been subconscious Easter Bunny.

 My favorite characters from Hakuouki and Sengoku Basara! Sanosuke and Yukimura[respectively].
Lol, Chizuru's last name is Yukimura! xD This just now occured to me.


 My wig came in!! 8D

The wig I'm going to use for my Yukimura cosplay at Fanime Con next month. <3 <3 <3
It only needs a little styling and it'll be perfect!
The night before it came in I discovered a good way to make myself look manly for this cosplay; by using concealer over my lips. It made them almost the same color as my skin, and that + drawing in my eyebrows to be all Yukimura-like worked really well! 8D I'm so excited to finish this costume. 
[My chest compressor also came in, and so with that + wig + make-up I made a little 'Gym class Yukimura' cosplay, lol!]

Sorry this was only three doodles, I've been focused on trying to find a good pattern for the pants and jacket for my Yukimura cosplay and been fretting over that too much to do a nice drawing. :x
/excuses galore! orz

April 02, 2011

23 90 second sketches

So I tried out PoseManiacs.com, like bubblegum_miley of livejournal suggested [thank you once more, Wendy! <3], and it's so fun! 8D
Lots of poses of both genders and lots of angles of said poses. The only thing that seems to be missing would be poses of two people together, but it's not too hard to change two single poses into one of two people together. :p

Here are 23 90second sketches I did. [I could have done a lot more, but I started getting hungry, lol.]
I noticed that I drew the heads really small on like, all of them. I should try starting with something other than the head to try and keep everything in proportion.

;w; This is going to be the most productive way I spend time on my computer for a while.

April 01, 2011

Herderp and Conventions

At least he's not facing to the left like everything else I draw, right?

His body, in every one of these drawings/doodles it at that damn 3/4 turn pose.

I'm going to start paying more attention to the pose I'm drawing, from now on I mean it!

On a happier note, I tested out a printing site. I only had something that was pretty old that fit the dimensions needed best, so I sent them that and ordered 25 4x6" postcards.
They came in after about 20 days from order placed, shipped through UPS; which had the tracking that I like. <3

When I got the small packet/package and opened it, the cards weren't like in a plastic bag or shrink wrapped or anything, they were just sitting in the packet. I was thinking they would at least send it in a bubble lined packet, but whattado- the cards were perfectly safe. What's really cool though, is that I ordered 25- but received 43!43

I wasn't charged extra for nearly double the amount I ordered either, which was pretty sweet.
Not that I wasn't going to before, but I'm going to need to order some clear bag/sleeve things to go over them, because the UV gloss coating attracts fingerprints. Overall, I think I know that I shall use them for printing the prints I plan to bring to Senshi-con this year.

Speaking of conventions, my sister and I are going to Fanime con in San Jose, CA in May! 8D We're going because we want to see Yuya Matsushita perform for his first time in America. ouo 
We might cosplay if we think of costumes we have to the motivation to make in just 2 months. I plan on taking some photos while we're there whether we cosplay or not though~

March 23, 2011

Telephone BASARA

I have got no service in the club, you see?

Finally finished that WIP I posted a while ago.
D| I'm so sad though, I think I've forgotten how to shade. I couldn't do it for this picture! orz

Anyway, I am happy that I could stand drawing such details in their clothes. Granted I didn't do the best job, it's a stepping stone towards getting better at details!
Once I relearn how to shade I'm going to also try to draw actual backgrounds instead of ambient crap I usually spew out. 8D

March 17, 2011

:< New Year resolution update

I'm behind by like 4 drawings. Maybe even 5. I don't even know how many I am backlogged by. DDD|
I most likely am going to abandon my resolution of posting a drawing here every week. The goal was originally to post like a finished, nice looking drawing, and most of the drawings I've posted were either just colored doodles or WIPS.

So, no more numbered drawings. Things will probably be more sketch dumps and WIPs/sculpted items now.

March 07, 2011


D: I was just scrolling through all the posts just now, and I noticed nearly everyone is facing to the left! Grahhhh!
D| I feel so repetitive now.
D; I should start trying harder for dynamic angles and poses.
First I was like DB
Then I was like D<
Now I'm like BAWWW.

March 04, 2011

Drawing 7/52

Uhhg, it's gonna have to be like three WIPs in order to catch up to where I should be.
Lets see... I should be posting drawing 9 right now instead of 7.

Here it is:

    >w< I am excited about drawing this.
1) Lady GaGa inspired, can you guess what music video? :>; 2) I'm drawing the lineart differently than normal, so that's being a fun experiment; 3) I'm getting back into drawing detailed clothing, and this is helping!
When I was younger, drawing a lot of details on clothes or whatever is something I took pride in doing. I love doing tedious things. |D 
    Over the past few years though, I've been really lazy when it comes to drawing people in clothes, preferring to have them wear really simple clothes or none at all. I guess that was a good path to've gone down for me, since drawing anatomy has improved for me since way back then . [By a ton, lol, but I'm still not that great. xD Should say something about how I drew anatomy before.].


March 03, 2011

>:U -Update!-

I found my pen! Turns out it wasn't my cat's fault after all. |D
It was on the part of my desk that rolls in, so I didn't see because I had been moving my laptop out in the living room and didn't pull out that part.

I'm sorry kitty for blaming you. u_u


The pen for my tablet is missing. FML.
My cat, currently nicknamed "Guilty Cat" is the culprit, I'm sure of it. She's always trying to jump up onto my desk, and my sister's cat probably isn't physically able to jump onto such a small area.

u_u Replacement pens are 70$.
I really really really hope my cat reveals to me where she's hidden my pen soon.
/dies a little.

February 14, 2011

February 10, 2011

February 07, 2011

Drawing 5/52

Meh, it's technically Monday, but I haven't gone to sleep yet so I'm counting this as Sunday. |D

This is a reference sketch for the main character in a story I brainstormed all day for. I would explain, but I don't want to show the story yet as it's still just a general and badly written outline. e_e
Just know it has something to do with a disease called "unicorn disease".

Yay! I am no longer backlogged. 8D

February 02, 2011

Drawing 4/52

Here s drawing number 4! The new header for this blog!

Sugar *chain*, lul.
I haven't drawn something all pretty in a long time. ,u,

I hope all the detailing in the chain came through, it was a pain to color. ._.
I normally cringe when people use those shiny-spot things, but I felt warranted in using them for this. e_e The ruffles coming from her lingerie were also a bit of a pain to draw out because I have no patience.

January 31, 2011

Haven't been posting anything

Haven't been drawing anything to post. e_e
I think today I'll just sit and draw for a few hours.
I missed posting a drawing for last week, so yet again I'm backlogged by one.

I'm going to start keeping a counter for how many drawings I'm backlogged.

ALSO! Notice I've added a Livejournal and Tumblr link under "Me on other sites!".

January 23, 2011

Drawing 3/52

Almost didn't make it. D|

Granted, it's a WIP. That just means something to look forward to some week in the future!

January 16, 2011

Drawing 2/52

D| It's technically week three, so I'm going to be posting another drawing this week after this one.

January 07, 2011

January 01, 2011

New Years Resolution

My resolution for this year is to post at least one drawing in this blog each week.
Of course, my second resolution is to loose weight; that's like something everyone at one point or another[or every year, haha] make a resolution for.
I wish everyone luck in the new year!